

厂商 :烟台长弓进出口有限公司

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高定面料FILARTE 品牌优势

      Filarte一直致力于制造优质精纺面料,原料全部采用目前世界公认的优质欧标澳大利亚超细美丽奴羊毛,产品在SUPER 100’S ---SUPER200’S、 有较大的优势和竞争力,Filarte商务休闲西装,也是品牌的主力品种。





1980年,MARZANI其子GIACOMO顺利考入意大利知名纺织高校I.T.I.S. QUINTINO SELLA深造,并以优异的成绩被意大利知名纺织企业LANIFICIO FILA录取,成为其公司的设计中坚。对颜色、时尚和趋势的过人见地使GIACOMO早早确立了在意大利纺织设计师领域独特的个人地位。此后,GIACOMO又相继在意大利最知名的纺织品品牌--BARBERIS CANONICO和ZEGNA公司担任首席设计师。


历经50年发展历程的FILARTE品牌,Filarte,现已成为一家集设计、生产、营销于一体的现代化国际品牌公司,并成为PRADA、HUGO BOSS、ZEGNA等知名服装品牌的重要供应商。

Let Every Piece of fabric Become Textile Art------MARZANI

In 1960, textile Industry of Biella entered into period of rapid development. Mr. MARZANI, a famous designer, recognized accurately the prospects of textile industry and established the brand of 'Filarte', which won universal acceptance from the market with its classic and fashionable products and became the exclusive brand for 'Made-to-Measure'.

In 1980,Filarte精纺西装面料, GIACOMO, son of Mr. MARZANI, successfully entered the well-known textile university I.T.I.S. QUINTINO SELLA and later on he was employed by the textile enterprise LANIFICIO FILA with excellent achievements, becoming the backbone designer of the company. With his extraordinary insight of color, fashion and trends, GIACOMO displayed his uniqueness in the special field of Italian textile designers. Since then, he has also worked as the chief designer in BARBERIS CANONICO and ZEGNA.

In 1996, as the most promising designer of Apennine Peninsula, GIACOMO took over his father's business and began to operate 'Filarte' brand. In addition to the heritage of his father's innovating concept, GIACOMO integrated the natural, ecological and functional concepts together, thus perfectly interpreted the essence of classics as well as fashion.

Over 50 years' development, Filarte has become a modern company of international brand, incorporating design, production and marketing together and has become an important supplier for world-famous garment brands,高定西装面料, such as PRADA, HUGO BOSS, ZEGNA,etc.

高定西装面料_Filarte_长弓纺织服饰(查看)由烟台长弓进出口有限公司提供。烟台长弓进出口有限公司(是山东 烟台 ,全毛的翘楚,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,很大限度的满足客户需求。在长弓纺织服饰领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创长弓纺织服饰更加美好的未来。
