

厂商 :上海日朗专属服务有限公司

地址 :上海 徐汇区
主营产品 :金属奖杯 比赛奖杯 上海高尔夫奖杯 上海水晶奖杯 上海水晶刻字 上海木制奖牌 上海奖牌 上海奖杯
联系电话 :18616697600
Shanghai Day Lang Carving Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, is a wooden handicrafts, medals, trophies, chopsticks, industry panels, organic product design R & D marketing, and laser processing for the integrated enterprise. Because of the diversified development of modern industry, coupled with the advantages of laser processing specificity, laser engraving in the use of all walks of life and more extensive and in-depth. The spirit of "better customer service" principle, on Long After carving the long-term production practices and markets on the basis of temper is an extraordinarily bright luster glow, showing a strong vitality and competitiveness.? Sculpture "Imagine" is the imagination, creativity and power of the symbol of vision. All successful enterprises, both to improve the products of developing countries, or to help humanity, an ideal start to see what could be the possibility of process. In the Visionary Award, and encourages us to continue his dream become a reality.Our team members can also be "a little bit of fantasy, he said:" The whole identification scheme to the use of micro-imagine the prize. Understanding of different sizes and metal finishes service and outstanding performance each year, further enriching the imagination as a corporate logo. Although the design is expected to award a unique vision and our team members, similar programs can be created for you. Such a procedure, improve your corporate image and provide a real value to an exclusive prize.Contact your sales representative 021-54243050, see if you can easily create an art award scheme. From the huge outdoor sculptures and signs, in order to reduce the size of the room suitable desktop, we can help you create your own brand and corporate pride.主营:奖牌;木制工艺品;橡木酒桶;激光雕刻加工;金属奖杯;木制奖牌;
上海日朗雕刻有限公司成立于2007年,是一家木制工艺品,奖牌,奖杯,筷子,工业面板,有机产品设计研发营销和激光加工为一体的企业。由于现代工业的多元化发展,激光加工的特殊性,激光在生活和更广泛,使用雕刻各界深入的优势结合。在“更好的客户服务精神,雕刻后的长期生产实践和市场的磨练的基础上”的原则上龙,是一个非常绚丽的光彩焕发,表现出强大的生命力和竞争力。? ?雕塑“想象”是想象力,创造力和象征权力的视野。所有的,成功的企业,以改善发展中国家,或帮助人类,一个理想的开始,看看可能是进程的可能性的产品。在远见奖,并鼓励我们继续他的梦想成为现实。我们的团队成员也可以是“一点点的幻想,他说:”整个计划,以确定其使用微想象奖。理解不同尺寸和金属饰面的服务和优异的业绩,每年,进一步丰富了作为企业标识的想象力。虽然设计预计授予独特的眼光和我们的团队成员,类似的程序可以为您创建。这种程序,提高您的企业形象,并提供真正的价值独家奖品。上海日朗雕刻有限公司地址:上海市徐汇区中山西路2240号101-1501室电话:86-21-54243050手机:18621903070 AlexQQ:173970916传真:86-21-54243050网址:http://www.shrilang.cn