

厂商 :陕西斯诺特生物技术有限公司

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主营产品 :火麻仁提取物 苦瓜提取物 虫草提取物 辣木叶提取物 海藻提取物 枸杞多糖枸杞粉 昆布提取物 黑枸杞提取物
联系电话 :15877656700
菝 葜 Rhizoma Smilacis Chinensis 异名 :Sarsaparilla 标准英文名:Chinaroot Greenbrier Rhizome [别名] 金刚刺、金刚藤、乌鱼刺、白茯苓。 [来源] 为百合科植物菝葜Smilax china L.的根茎。 1.菝葜(金刚藤)Smilax china [植物形态]菝葜属落叶攀缘藤状灌木,茎细长坚硬,有疏生倒向皮刺,具地下块茎;茎长2~ 5m,分枝较少。 [叶]单叶互生,花期叶幼小;革质或纸质,有光泽,卵圆形或椭圆形,长2.5-l3cm,宽2.1- 10cm、全缘,弧形脉3~5条基出;先端圆或具凸头,基部圆形或浅心形,下面微苍白色;叶柄长5-15cm,两侧具卷须,下半部呈鞘状。叶柄短,两侧各有1条卷须,常藉卷须和茎刺攀附它物。 [花]花单性,雌雄异株,排成腋生伞形花序,花黄绿色,花被片离生。浆果球形,成熟时红色。花期4~5月,果熟8~11月。 [分布]分布长江以南各省区。多野生于低海拔山坡、路旁、林缘,疏林下、溪边草丛等山坡林下和荒山草地。喜温暖,耐半荫,适应性强。分布于华东及广西、湖南、湖北、河南。 [繁殖]压条、分株、切割地下茎繁殖。压条宜两季进行。分株可待地下茎生出根蘖苗后,分割根蘖苗繁殖。切割地下茎可在春季或秋季,将地下茎挖出,切块埋入种植穴。 [习性]菝葜为单子叶植物中少见的木质攀援植物。新叶常带紫红色,叶、花、果具有一定观赏性。 适合于长江以南用于篱栏、墙垣、山石的攀附,也可植为地被灌丛,用于路边、溪旁、林缘,增添自然野趣。 [同属其他植物]:与菝葜同属的相似植物在我国约有数十种,皆宜南方各地选作攀援绿化材料。常见的有:土伏苓S.glabra;大果菝葜S.macrocarpa;尖叶菝葜S.arisanensis;圆锥菝葜S.bracteata;小叶菝葜S.microphylla;长托菝葜S.ferox;红果菝葜S.polycolea;华东菝葜S.sieboldii;马甲菝葜S.lanceifolia等等。 [采制] 全年或秋末至次春采挖,洗净晒干。 [性状] 根茎不规则块状或略呈扁柱状,有隆起的结节,长10-20cm,直径l-2.5cm。表面黄棕色或紫棕色,稍凹凸不平,有圆锥状突起,其先端留有坚硬细根断痕。质极坚实,折断面红棕色,粗纤维性。味微苦。 [化学成份] 含菝葜皂甙A、B、C,sarsasaponin[(smilax-saponinA,B,C)],另含生物碱、菝葜葡萄糖甙sitosterol glucoside,酚类、氨基酸、糖类。 [主要成分]:主要含有如下成分// [菝葜皂甙,菝葜醇]: sarsasapogenin, 菝葜配基smilagenin, 菝葜醇sitosterol, stigma sterol and pollinastanol Plant steroids and their actions in the human body are still a subject of much i nterest, too little research, and unfortunately, misinformation mainly for market ing purposes. Sarsaparilla has been erroneously touted to contain testosterone and/or other an ecbolic steroids. While it is a rich source of steroids and saponins, it has neve r been proven to have any anecbolic effects, nor is testosterone found in sarsapa rilla or any other plant source thus far. [菝葜皂角苷]:菝葜皂甙sarsasaponin[(smilax-saponinA,B,C)], smilasaponin, sarsap arilloside, and 菝葜葡萄糖甙sitosterol glucoside among others. Saponins and plant steroids found in many species of plants, including Sarsapari lla, can be chemically synthesized into human steroids like estrogen and testoste rone. This chemical synthesization has never been documented to occur in the human bod y - only in the laboratory. [性味] 性平,味甘、酸。 [功能主治] 祛风利湿,解毒散瘀。用于关节疼痛、肌肉麻木、泄泻、痢疾、水肿、淋病、疔疮、肿毒、痔疮。用量15-30g。 [历史]《菝葜传奇》 [菝葜的商业考古学]:菝葜(Sarsaparilla)早在殖民时代就已众所周知; 儒勒·凡尔纳在其作品《大木筏》中曾经描述菝葜在南美的交易,而菝葜也是当时委内瑞拉奥里诺科河经济圈商人或掮客贩运的知名商品之一: [第一部,第10章 从伊基托斯到波瓦斯] "在这个居民只有二百六十人的小镇波瓦斯,贝尼托本来可以与当地传教团的修士(他们同时也是批发商)做些买卖的,可是现在他们的仓库却是空的,因为他们刚刚将几包菝葜和几十公斤橡胶运往下亚马逊河。 " 《壮丽的奥里诺科河》[第一部:第03章 在“西蒙·玻利瓦尔号”上] “西蒙·玻利瓦尔号上的大部分乘客已经对奥里诺科河相当熟悉了,因为他们经常在河上往返,有的到过阿普雷河口,有的甚至到过阿塔巴布河口上的圣费尔南多。他们大多是商人或掮客,将商品运往内地,或贩往东方各港口。最常见的货物有可可、牛皮、鹿皮、铜矿石、磷酸盐、建筑木材、高级木器、细木镶嵌工艺品、染料、顿加豆、橡胶、菝葜,还有牲畜,因为畜牧业是生活在平原上的人最主要的活动。”    菝葜同时也是东印度公司垄断贸易结束后第一年自由贸易号撒拉(Sarah)号货船1834年始第一批从中国起运的诸多东方原料之一。 受孑地臣公司的渣甸先生派遣,从广州至伦敦驶出第一艘“自由之船”,488吨的撒拉(Sara h)号于1834年3月22日正式起航。这艘货船载有蚕丝及丝织品、桂皮、大黄、菝葜和各种杂品,其中仅蚕丝及丝织品的价值就达100万美元。 [历史用途]: 菝葜很早就被中南美州的当地人用于治疗虚弱阳痿,风湿病,皮肤病,以及弱质补药。南美的本土部落早就把菝葜作为一种一般性的滋补营养品,新大陆的发现者和冒险家在15世纪将菝葜(金刚藤)引入欧洲; 而欧洲的药剂师很早就把菝葜(金刚藤)主要作为一种一般性的弱质体虚补品,同时也用作血液净化剂,利尿剂和发汗剂。墨西哥产的菝葜(金刚藤)早在1536年就被引入欧洲,并被用于治疗梅毒和风湿病,从此以后菝葜(金刚藤)在欧洲就被长期用于治疗梅毒以及其他的性病。 同时因为菝葜(金刚藤)的优良的净血效用而在1820~1910年被收录美国药典,主要用于治疗梅毒等性传播疾病。 1942年的试验证实菝葜(金刚藤)可以有效治疗牛皮癣,20世纪50年代一系列的临床实验证实了菝葜可作为抗生素。 1959年菝葜(金刚藤)被证实具有辅助治疗麻风病的效果,同时还被证明对于歇斯底里症有显著疗效,同时有利尿作用; 同时还证明菝葜(金刚藤)内的有效成分具有杀灭微生物的功能,因此具有净化血液的功效,植化学证实其中起主要作用的有效成分为菝葜醇(金刚藤醇)与菝葜皂甙(金刚藤皂甙) 从16世纪初开始直到今天,菝葜(金刚藤)被主要用作血液净化剂以及一般补药,在世界各地被广泛用作治疗如下疾病:痛风,梅毒,淋病,伤寒,关节炎,发烧,咳嗽,淋巴结核,高血压,消化不良,皮肤病,癌症以及作为一般的滋补营养品。用途很多。 [饮用价值]屠苏酒与菝葜 屠苏酒是古代春节时饮用的一种酒,据说能“屠绝鬼气,苏醒人魂”,除邪气、避瘟疫。宋代王安石的《元日》诗中就说: 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。 据林乃新《中华风俗大观》记载:屠苏原先并不是酒名,而是一个草庵名。传说古时有个人住在草庵中,每到除夕之日,他就将一副草药送给周围的邻居,并告诉他们用布袋将药装好,浸在井水里,正月初一取出浸在酒坛内,全家共饮,可去病去灾,保一家人一年不生病。后人不识此药叫什么名,便称其为“屠苏散”。唐代道士孙真人著《屠苏散论》,称屠苏方为“人神散”,说是轩辕皇帝留下的神方,论中还明确记下了屠苏酒的处方。即:大黄、桔梗、白术、肉桂各一两八钱,乌头六钱,菝葜(一种落叶藤本植物,叶子多为椭圆形,花黄绿色,浆果球形,根茎入中药)一两二钱,将其揉合研末,以绛囊贮之。除夕日薄暮时悬到井中,便其贴近井底之泥。初一取出,连同绛囊浸到酒坛中,然后全家团坐,饮屠苏酒祈祷来年太平无事,先幼者开始,然后长者饮。一人饮之一家无疾,一家饮之一里无病。现在,饮屠苏酒的习惯基本上已经失传,但屠苏酒在唐代时传入日本,现在日本倒还保留着年初一饮屠苏酒的习惯。 [商品形态]:金刚藤提取物//菝葜提取物//10:1//100:1//金刚藤素70% 金刚藤提取物//菝葜提取物//10:1//100:1//金刚藤素70% 其他名:撒尔沙提取物,撒尔沙根提取物,非洲天门冬提取物, ===================================================== Smilax, China Genus: Smilax Botanical: Smilax, China (LINN.) Family: N.O. Liliaceae (Smilacaceae) Species: officinalis Scientific name Smilax China L. Japanese name SARUTORI IBARA ---Synonym---China. ---Part Used---Root. ---Habitat---Eastern Asia. Common Names: Sarsaparilla, Salsaparrilha, Khao Yen, Saparna, Sarsaparilla, Smil ace, Smilax, Zarzaparilla [Series of Smilax, China powder extracts]: Smilax root extracts, Smilax root P .E. 10:1 100:1 70% Synoms:Smilax China L. p.e. Smilax China P.E. Smilax P.E.; Smilax Extracts.Sars aparilla extracts, Salsaparrilha extracts, Khao Yen extracts, Saparna extracts, S arsaparilla extracts, Smilace extracts, Smilax extracts, Zarzaparilla extracts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eastern Asia It has a hard, large, knotty, uneven rhizome, blackish externally, pale coloured or whitish internally. Stem without support, about 3 feet high, but growing much taller if it has a bush to cling to. Leaves thin, membraneous, roun d, five-nerved acute or obtuse at each end, mucronate at points. Stipules distinc t obtuse; umbels greenish yellow, small ten-flowered; fruit red, size of bird che rry. This is the commercial China root, used as a substitute for Sarsaparilla. It is in large ligneous pieces 2 to 6 inches long and about 2 inches in diameter. O dourless, taste at first slightly bitter and acrid like Sarsaparilla. The root-st ocks yield a yellow dye with alum and a brown one with sulphate of iron. It has a hard, large, knotty, uneven rhizome, blackish externally, pale coloured or whitish internally. Stem without support, about 3 feet high, but growing much taller if it has a bus h to cling to. Leaves thin, membraneous, round, five-nerved acute or obtuse at ea ch end, mucronate at points. Stipules distinct obtuse; umbels greenish yellow, small ten-flowered; fruit red, size of bird cherry. This is the commercial China root, used as a substitute for Sarsaparilla. It is in large ligneous pieces 2 to 6 inches long and about 2 inches in diameter. Odour less, taste at first slightly bitter and acrid like Sarsaparilla. The root-stocks yield a yellow dye with alum and a brown one with sulphate of ir on. Brazilian or Rio Negro or Lisbon Sarsaparilla is furnished by Smilax Papyracea. All the Sarsaparillas have medicinal properties and can be used in the same way. Sarsaparilla is efficacious in proportion to its acrid taste. The properties res ide chiefly in the cortex, though the bark is generally used. The name Smilax was used by the Greeks to denote a poisonous tree - others deriv e the name from Smile, i.e. a cutting or scratching implement, in allusion to the rough prickles on the stem. In commerce the varieties of Sarsaparillas are grouped as mealy and non-mealy, a ccording to the starch they contain. The farinaceous matter is found under the ri nd. The mealy group include Smilax officinalis, Honduras, Caracas, Brazilian, Syphil itica and Papyraceae. The non-mealy species are Jamaica Sarsaparilla, Mexican, Media and Lima. The most esteemed varieties are Jamaica and Lima on account of their acrid taste . Brazilian or Rio Negro or Lisbon Sarsaparilla is furnished by Smilax Papyracea. S . Aspera (habitat, South of France, Italy, etc.) yields the Italian Sarsaparil la which has the same properties as the American ones. S. ovalifolia is used medicinally in India. S. lanceaefolia is used in India and has very large tuberous root-stocks. S. glyciphylla is the Australian medicinal Sarsaparilla. S. macabucha is used in the Philippines for dysentery and other complaints. S. anceps is the medicinal Sarsaparilla of Mauritius. In Persia the young shoots of some of the species are eaten as asparagus. S. pseudo-China and other species are used in basket-making. S. rotundifolia - Mexican - is said to be a diaphoretic and depurative. [effective content]: Sarsaparilla contains [the steroids of Smilax, China]: sarsasapogenin, smilagenin, sitosterol, stigmas terol and pollinastanol Plant steroids and their actions in the human body are still a subject of much i nterest, too little research, and unfortunately, misinformation mainly for market ing purposes. Sarsaparilla has been erroneously touted to contain testosterone and/or other an ecbolic steroids. While it is a rich source of steroids and saponins, it has neve r been proven to have any anecbolic effects, nor is testosterone found in sarsapa rilla or any other plant source thus far. Sarsaparilla contains [the saponins of Smilax, China]: sarsasaponin, smilasaponin, sarsaparilloside, a nd sitosterol glucoside among others. Saponins and plant steroids found in many species of plants, including Sarsapari lla, can be chemically synthesized into human steroids like estrogen and testoste rone. This chemical synthesization has never been documented to occur in the human bod y - only in the laboratory. There is no known toxicity or side effects documented for sarsaparilla, however ingestion of large dosages of saponins may cause gastro-intestinal irritation. In 1986 a US Patent was filed which described that "an extract of sarsaparilla has the advantage of exhibiting good cosmetic and detergent characteristics, while at the same time, not only being practically devoid of toxicity, but also not causi ng any irritation or stinging sensations when inadvertently the composition comes into contact with the ocular mucous." [Clinical research of Smilax, China]: Clinical research on the pharmacological actions of Sarsasparilla has been vari ed over the years. Sarsaparilla was also used by the Chinese in the treatment of syphilis. Clinical observations in China demonstrated that sarsasparilla is effective, ac cording to blood tests, in about 90% of acute cases and 50% of chronic cases. It was shown clinically in 1942 to dramatically improve psoriasis which continu ed its validation and use as a blood purifying remedy. In the 1950’s, the antibio tic properties of sarsaparilla were documented. Its effective use as an adjuvant for the treatment of leprosy was documented in a human trial in 1959. It’s anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects have been shown in rats and improvement of appetite and digestion as well as diuretic actions in humans has also been documented. Its blood-purifying actions was demonstrated when sarsaparilla demonstrated the ability to attack and neutralize microbial substances in the blood stream. The m ajority of Sarsaparilla’s pharmacological properties and actions have been attrib uted to a pharmacologically active group of phytochemicals called steroids and sa ponins. The saponins have been reported to facilitate the absorption by the body of oth er drugs and phytochemicals which accounts for its history of use in herbal formu las as a bioavailability and herbal enhancement agent. [History use of Smilax, China]: Sarsaparilla has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of Central and South America for sexual impotence, rheumatism, skin ailment, and a tonic for physical weakness. Sarsaparilla root was used by South American indigenous tribes as a general to nic where New World traders found it and introduced it into European medicine in the 1400’s. European physicians considered it an alterative tonic, blood purifier, diureti c and diaphoretic. A sarsaparilla root from Mexico was introduced into European medicine in 1536, where it developed a strong following as a cure for syphilis and rheumatism. Sin ce this time, the Smilax genus has a long history of use for syphilis and other s exually transmitted diseases throughout the world. With its reputation as a blood purifier, it was registered as an official herb in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia as a syphilis treatment from 1820 to 1910. From the 1500’s to present, Sarsaparilla is used as a blood purifier and gener al tonic, and has been used all over the world for the same conditions,: namely gout, syphilis, gonorrhea, wounds, arthritis, fevers, coughs, scrofula, hypertension, digestive disorders, psoriasis, skin disease, cancer and as a toni c. [Habit of Smilax, China]: Sarsaparilla is a large woody vine growing up to 50 meters in length and is nati ve to China,South America, Jamaica, the Caribbean, Mexico, Honduras and the West Indies. The root, used for medicinal purposes, is long and tuberous and supports a ground-trailing vine with paired tendrils for climbing. The fragrance of the ro ot is considered pleasant with a spicy sweet taste. Sarsaparilla vine should not be confused with the tree, Sasparilla which was once used to flavor rootbeer. The re are many species of Smilax around the world that are very similar in appearanc e, uses and even chemical structure, including S. officinalis, S. regeli, S. aris tolochiaefolia, S. febrifuga, S. sarsaparilla, and S. ornata. [Properties/Actions]: Alterative, Aphrodisiac, Antibiotic, Anti-inflammatory, A nti-rheumatic, Antiseptic, Antipruritic, Anti-syphilic, Carminative, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Febrifuge, Hepatoprotective, Hormonal, Steroidal, Stimulan t, Stomachic, Tonic [Buyer’s Guide:info of contact details]: Manufacture and Supplier: MDidea -------Professional Extracts supplier from China Business World -------Professional choice in natural extracts business fields. Charger:MR. Derrida Michael Quality: The Best Price:Most Competitive Exporter Division De MDidea:Professional L’Extrait de Plant Pour recevoir votre commande, contactez-nous : Delegate/Charger:Mr. Michael Derrida Par e-mail derrida@vip.163.com