

厂商 :深圳三和波达机电科技有限公司

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主营产品 :等离子清洗机 常压等离子清洗机 实验室等离子清洗机 防爆自动加脂器 易力润自动加脂器 帕尔萨自动润滑器 重复使用自动注油器 自动注油器总代理
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供应帕尔萨弹簧S100 重复使用加脂器 陕西帕尔萨代理商Pulsarlube S100大量现货供应 单点重复使用加脂泵 弹簧廉价批量配套使用加油器 自动润滑装置

Pulsarlube S数码加脂器|弹簧式

Pulsarlube 数码加脂器来自美国的高科技产品-帕尔萨自动注脂器(Pulsarlube S反向加压弹簧式自动注油器)。Pulsarlube S 拥有一个精巧的新设计,该设计特点是在润滑器的底部装有一个弹簧,它将润滑剂一次向上推入润滑器的润滑脂进孔,然后向下挤到导套,进入润滑点。

pulsarlube S100

Pulsarlube S数码加脂器向上的活塞移动防止油脂由于重力效应而滴出的可能性,并保持润滑剂在油枪内完整,从而防止润滑脂的硬化,允许润滑器全部排空其内容物。

Pulsarlube S数码加脂器特点:
  ① 润滑器内置活塞夹,保管时可防止油分离
  ② 迅速安装(可预先注满油)
  ③ 比其它任何传统的弹簧式润滑器更可靠、更有效
  ④ 操作简便
  ⑤ 设计有不同剂量比率,适于任何场所使用

Pulsarlube S数码加脂器规格:
  产品大小:Φ67×129(H)mm   润滑脂容量:100毫升(90克)
  重量(注满脂):350g        使用环境温度:-23℃~121℃
  出口螺纹尺寸:                    1/4"标准管(螺纹)
 型号                              S 100
  * 空间狭窄,只能远距离安装的地方
  * 频繁发生高差压的地方
  * 发生巨大振动,不宜采用以往气体式产品的地方
  * 受灰尘或粉尘等污染后严重磨损轴承的地方
  * 需常注油,但不易注油的地方
  * 停机后才能注油的地方
  * 需减少维护费用的地方(如采用分配阀,可对2、4、6、8个注油点进行供油)
  * 需要注脂的所有工业用轴承类
  * 空调设备(集尘器、鼓风机)
  * 电机、泵类、回转设备
  * 传送带、各种机械设备
  * 大型大厦内回转、空调设备
  * 汽车工业、电子工业设备
  * 水泥工业、矿山设备
  * 造纸、纸浆工业
  * 饮食业
  * 炼铁、炼钢工业
降低机器润滑保养成本,延长机器使用寿命,性价比最高Pulsarlube S数码加脂器
    1 Pulsarlube MSP自动注脂器 (MSP125  MSP250  MSP500)    2 Pulsarlube M 自动润滑器 (M125  M250  M500)
    3 Pulsarlube EX 自动润滑泵 (EX125  EX250) 
    4 Pulsarlube V  单点润滑器 (V125   V250)
    5 Pulsarlube OL500自动注油器
6 Pulsarlube S100可重复使用弹簧型自动润滑器
7 Pulsarlube E 120 电化学一次性单点加脂器
1.  Easylube classic自动润滑器(classic170 )
2. Easylube elite 自动润滑器(elite 170 ealite250)
3. Easylube  RFID150 250
1. Potentlube C3(2L 8L)
2. Potentlube HDI(3L 6L 9L 15L) 
3. Potentlube AC3 (1L 2L)

Pulsarlube S has a sleek new design that features are at the bottom of the lubricator is equipped with a spring, which will push up the lubricant a lubricating grease into the hole, then pushed down the guide sleeve, into the lubrication point .

Shenzhen and Arrival dedicated lubrication industry for 16 years, the number of listed companies to provide safe, reliable lubrication program, the United States Paer Sa designated certified agents, directly getting goods manufacturers, quality assurance, cheap, perfect service system, simple and easy to operate

Pulsarlube S digital lubricators upward movement of the piston to prevent the possibility of the grease drops out due to the effect of gravity and keep the lubricant in the oil gun complete, thereby preventing grease hardening, allowing the entire lubricator emptying its contents.

Pulsarlube S Digital greasing Features:
  ① lubricated piston clip built, keeping this prevents oil separation
  ② rapid installation (pre-filled with oil)
  ③ more reliable than any other conventional spring lubrication, and more effective
  ④ easy to operate
  ⑤ designed with different dosage rates, suitable for any places

Pulsarlube S Digital greasing Specifications:
  Product size: Φ67 × 129 (H) mm grease Capacity: 100 ml (90 g)
  Weight (filled with grease): 350g Operating temperature: -23 ℃ ~ 121 ℃
  Outlet thread size: 1/4 "standard pipe (thread)
 Model S 100
Suitable for:
  * Space is narrow, only remote installation place
  * Local frequent high differential pressure
  * A dramatic vibration, should not be used where a conventional gas-type products
  * After the dust and other contamination by dust or badly worn bearing areas
  * Requires regular oiling, but the place is not easy oiling
  * After the shutdown in order to place oiling
  * The need to reduce the maintenance costs of the place (such as the use dispensing valve, a fuel injection points for 2,4,6,8 supply)
  * Require greasing of all industrial Bearings
  * Air conditioning equipment (dust blowers)
  * Motors, pumps, rotary equipment
  * Conveyors, machinery and equipment
  * The large building rotation, air conditioning equipment
  * Automotive industry, electronic industry equipment
  * Cement industry, mining equipment
  * Paper and pulp industry
  * Catering
  * Iron and steel industry
Reduce machine lubrication and maintenance costs and extend the life of the machine, the maximum cost Pulsarlube S digital lubricators
