

厂商 :北京岳立天成科技有限公司

地址 :北京市 北京市
主营产品 :频谱分析仪 耐压测试仪 美国泰克示波器 绝缘电阻表/测温仪 示波器 场强仪 交直流电源 万用表/钳表
联系电话 :13311571181



对于保护待测物而言,PSW的CC/CV优先模式是一个非常有用的特点。传统电源供应器输出时通常是操作在CV模式。在电源输出时,对于电容性负载或current-intensive load可能会引起涌浪电流。以LED的I-V验证曲线为例,将很难使用传统电源供应器进行量测,传统电源供应器在启始状态下会处在 cv模式,当输出电压高于LED的顺向电压时,则电流会瞬间导通,超过预设电流限定值。即使在CC模式切换后电流变得稳定,但在CV和CC的交越点仍可能对待测物造成损坏。而PSW系列在电源输出时,就能够操作在CC模式抑制涌浪电流,防止瞬间电压导通时对待测物的损害。

可调式Slew Rate可让用户设定电压或电流的上升时间和下降时间。透过控制Slew Rate设定方便待测物在电压或电流变化下进行验证。照明装置或大电容的制造测试中,电源输出时常产生大涌浪电流,如此大大减少待测物的使用寿命。为防止涌浪电流对装置的损坏,一个缓慢变化的电压输出显著降低涌浪电流所造成的损坏,并达到装置的保护。

PSW系列所提供的OVP和OCP功能,可供自行设定且默认值为额定值的110%倍。当保护设定被触动时,则输出会被关掉以保护待测物。USB及LAN为PSW系列的标准通讯界面,而GPIB-USB是选购配件。所有界面都支持LabView driver和Data Logging PC软件。在背板的外部模拟远程控制端子支持外部控制输出及监控电压和电流输出。


相较于传统电源供应器的最大功率输出是由最大电压输出乘上最大电流输出。而PSW 提供一个多段式 直流电源输出(电压x 电流)的特点。这个特点在相同最大的功率输出范围,可以输出大电压小电流或小电压大电流。举例来说,传统电源最大输出功率为720 瓦,最大电压及电流分别是90V 和8A;而对于PSW 250-9 最大功率720 瓦而言,可以提供电压和电流范围分别为0~250V 和0~9A。最大9A 电流可在电压为80V 输出,而最大电压250V 可在电流为2.88A输出。其输出电压/电流特性如下:

Model Name Type Voltage Current Power
PSW 30-36 I 0 ~ 30V 0 ~ 36A 360W
PSW 30-72 II 0 ~ 30V 0 ~ 72A 720W
PSW 30-108 III 0 ~ 30V 0 ~ 108A 1080W
PSW 80-13.5 I 0 ~ 80V 0 ~ 13.5A 360W
PSW 80-27 II 0 ~ 80V 0 ~ 27A 720W
PSW 80-40.5 III 0 ~ 80V 0 ~ 40.5A 1080W
PSW 160-7.2 I 0 ~ 160V 0 ~ 7.2A 360W
PSW 160-14.4 II 0 ~ 160V 0 ~ 14.4A 720W
PSW 160-21.6 III 0 ~ 160V 0 ~ 21.6A 1080W
PSW 250-4.5 I 0 ~ 250V 0 ~ 4.5A 360W
PSW 250-9 II 0 ~ 250V 0 ~ 9A 720W
PSW 250-13.5 III 0 ~ 250V 0 ~ 13.5A 1080W
PSW 800-1.44 I 0 ~ 800V 0 ~ 1.44A 360W
PSW 800-2.88 II 0 ~ 800V 0 ~ 2.88A 720W
PSW 800-4.32 III 0 ~ 800V 0 ~ 4.32A 1080W

Model PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Rated Output Voltage V 30 80 160 250 800
Rated Output Current A 36 13.5 7.2 4.5 1.44
Rated Output Power W 360 360 360 360 360
Power Ratio -- 3 3 3.2 3.125 3.2
Constant Voltage Mode PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Line Regulation (*1) mV 18 43 83 128 403
Load Regulation (*2) mV 20 45 85 130 405
Ripple and Noise (*3)
  p-p (*4) mV 60 60 60 80 150
  r.m.s (*5) mV 7 7 12 15 30
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 100ppm/°C of rated output voltage, after a 30 minute warm-up.
Remote sense compensation voltage V/wire 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1
Rise Time (*6)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
  No Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
Fall Time (*7)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 150 300
  No Load ms 500 500 1000 1200 2000
Transient response time (*8) ms 1 1 2 2 2
Constant Current Mode PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Line regulation (*1) mA 41 18.5 12.2 9.5 6.44
Load regulation (*9) mA 41 18.5 12.2 9.5 6.44
Ripple and noise
  r.m.s (*5 ) mA 72 27 15 10 5
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 200ppm/°C of rated output current, after a 30 minute  warm-up.
Protection Function PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Over voltage protection (OVP)
  Setting range V 3-33 8-88 16-176 20-275 20-880
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output voltage)
Over current protection (OCP)
  Setting range A 3.6-39.6 1.35-14.85 0.72-7.92 0.45-4.95 0.144-1.584
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output current)
Over temperature protection (OTP)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Low AC input protection (AC-FAIL)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Power limit (POWER LIMIT)
  Operation   Over power limit.
  Value (fixed)   Approx. 105% of rated output power
Front Panel PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Display, 4 digits
  Voltage accuracy 0.1% + mV 20 20 100 200 400
  Current accuracy 0.1% + mA 40 20 5 5 2
Programming and Measurement (Interface) PSW 30-36 80-13.5 160-7.2 250-4.5 800-1.44
Voltage programming accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current programming accuracy 0.1% + mA 30 10 5 5 2
Voltage programming resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current programming resolution mA 1 1 1 1 1
Voltage measurement accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current measurement accuracy 0.1% + mA 30 10 5 5 2
Voltage measurement resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current measurement resolution mA 1 1 1 1 1
Model PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Rated Output Voltage V 30 80 160 250 800
Rated Output Current A 72 27 14.4 9 2.88
Rated Output Power W 720 720 720 720 720
Power Ratio -- 3 3 3.2 3.125 3.2
Constant Voltage Mode PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Line Regulation (*1) mV 18 43 83 128 403
Load Regulation (*2) mV 20 45 85 130 405
Ripple and Noise (*3)
  p-p (*4) mV 80 80 80 100 200
  r.m.s (*5) mV 11 11 15 15 30
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 100ppm/°C of rated  output voltage, after a 30 minute warm-up.
Remote sense compensation voltage V/wire 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1
Rise Time (*6)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
  No Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
Fall Time (*7)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 150 300
  No Load ms 500 500 1000 1200 2000
Transient response time (*8) ms 1 1 2 2 2
Constant Current Mode PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Line regulation (*1) mA 77 32 19.4 14 7.88
Load regulation (*9) mA 77 32 19.4 14 7.88
Ripple and noise
  r.m.s (*5 ) mA 144 54 30 20 10
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 200ppm/°C of rated output current, after a 30 minute warm -up.
Protection Function PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Over voltage protection (OVP)
  Setting range V 3-33 8-88 16-176 20-275 20-880
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output voltage)
Over current protection (OCP)
  Setting range A 5-79.2 2.7-29.7 1.44-15.84 0.9-9.9 0.288-3.168
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output current)
Over temperature protection (OTP)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Low AC input protection (AC-FAIL)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Power limit (POWER LIMIT)
  Operation   Over power limit.
  Value (fixed)   Approx. 105% of rated output power
Front Panel PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Display, 4 digits
  Voltage accuracy 0.1% + mV 20 20 100 200 400
  Current accuracy 0.1% + mA 70 40 30 10 4
Programming and Measurement (Interface) PSW 30-72 80-27 160-14.4 250-9 800-2.88
Voltage programming accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current programming accuracy 0.1% + mA 60 30 15 10 4
Voltage programming resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current programming resolution mA 2 2 2 1 1
Voltage measurement accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current measurement accuracy 0.1% + mA 60 30 15 10 4
Voltage measurement resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current measurement resolution mA 2 2 2 1 1
Model PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Rated Output Voltage V 30 80 160 250 800
Rated Output Current A 108 40.5 21.6 13.5 4.32
Rated Output Power W 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080
Power Ratio -- 3 3 3.2 3.125 3.2
Constant Voltage Mode PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Line Regulation (*1) mV 18 43 83 128 403
Load Regulation (*2) mV 20 45 85 130 405
Ripple and Noise (*3)
  p-p (*4) mV 100 100 100 120 200
  r.m.s (*5) mV 14 14 20 15 30
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 100ppm/°C of ra ted output voltage, after a 30 minute warm-up.
Remote sense compensation voltage V/wire 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1
Rise Time (*6)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
  No Load ms 50 50 100 100 150
Fall Time (*7)
  Rated Load ms 50 50 100 150 300
  No Load ms 500 500 1000 1200 2000
Transient response time (*8) ms 1 1 2 2 2
Constant Current Mode PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Line regulation (*1) mA 113 45.5 26.6 18.5 9.32
Load regulation (*9) mA 113 45.5 26.6 18.5 9.32
Ripple and noise
  r.m.s (*5 ) mA 216 81 45 30 15
Temperature coefficient ppm/°C 200ppm/°C of rated output current, after a 30 minute warm-up .
Protection Function PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Over voltage protection (OVP)
  Setting range V 3-33 8-88 16-176 20-275 20-880
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output voltage)
Over current protection (OCP)
  Setting range A 5-118.8 4.05-44.55 2.16-23.76 1.35-14.85 0.432-4.752
  Setting accuracy   ± (2% of rated output current)
Over temperature protection (OTP)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Low AC input protection (AC-FAIL)
  Operation   Turn the output off.
Power limit (POWER LIMIT)
  Operation   Over power limit.
  Value (fixed)   Approx. 105% of rated output power
Front Panel PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Display, 4 digits
  Voltage accuracy 0.1% + mV 20 20 100 200 400
  Current accuracy 0.1% + mA 100 50 30 20 6
Programming and Measurement (Interface) PSW 30-108 80-40.5 160-21.6 250-13.5 800-4.32
Voltage programming accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current programming accuracy 0.1% + mA 100 40 20 15 6
Voltage programming resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current programming resolution mA 3 3 3 1 1
Voltage measurement accuracy 0.1% + mV 10 10 100 200 400
Current measurement accuracy 0.1% + mA 100 40 20 15 6
Voltage measurement resolution mV 1 2 3 5 14
Current measurement resolution mA 3 3 3 1 1
Common Specification
Input Characteristics PSW 30V 80V 160V 250V 800V
Nominal input rating   100Vac to 240Vac, 50Hz to 60Hz, single phase
Input voltage range   85Vac ~ 265Vac
Input voltage range   47Hz ~ 63Hz
Maximum input current
  100Vac A 360W: 5A, 720W: 10A, 1080W: 15A
  200Vac A 360W: 2.5A, 720W: 5A, 1080W: 7.5A
Inrush current A < 25A for 360W, < 50A for 720W, < 75A for 1080W
Maximum input power VA 360W: 500VA, 720W: 1000VA, 1080W: 1500VA
Power factor
  100Vac   0.99
  200Vac   0.97
  100Vac % 77 78 79 79 80
  200Vac % 79 80 81 81 82
Hold-up time   20ms or greater
Analog Programming and Monitoring PSW 30V 80V 160V 250V 800V
External voltage control output voltage   Accuracy and linearity: ±0.5% of rated output voltage.
External voltage control output current   Accuracy and linearity: ±1% of rated output current.
External resistor control output voltage   Accuracy and linearity: ±1.5% of rated output voltage.
External resistor control output current   Accuracy and linearity: ±1.5% of rated output current.
Output voltage monitor
  Accuracy % ±1 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2
Output current monitor
  Accuracy % ±1 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±2
Shutdown control   Turns the output off with a LOW (0V to 0.5V) or short-circuit.
Output on/off control   Possible logic selections:
Turn the output on using a LOW (0V to 0.5V) or short-circuit, turn the output off using a HIGH (4.5V to 5V) or open-circuit.
Turn the output on using a HIGH (4.5V to 5V) or open-circuit, turn the output off using a LOW (0V to 0.5V) or short-circuit.
CV/CC/ALM/PWR ON/OUT ON indicator   Photocoupler open collector output; Maximum voltage 30V, maximum sink current 8mA.
Series and Parallel Capability PSW 30V 80V 160V 250V 800V
Parallel number Units 3 3 3 3 3
Series Number Units 2 2 2 None None
Front Panel
Indications   GREEN LED's: 
CV, CC, VSR, ISR, DLY, RMT, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, %W, W, V, A
Buttons   Function, OVP/OCP, Set, Test, Lock/Local, PWR DSPL, Output
Knobs   Voltage, Current
USB port   Type A USB connector
Interface Capabilities
USB   TypeA: Host, TypeB: Slave, Speed: 1.1/2.0, USB Class: CDC(Communications Device Class)
LAN   MAC Address, DNS IP Address, User Password, Gateway IP Address, Instrument IP Address, Subnet Mask
GPIB   Optional: GUG-001 (GPIB to USB Adapter)
Environmental Conditions
Operating temperature   0?C to 50?C
Storage temperature   -25?C to 70?C
Operating humidity   20% to 85% RH; No condensation
Storage humidity   90% RH or less; No condensation
Altitude   Maximum 2000m
General Specifications
Weight (main unit only) kg Approx. 3kg for 360W, 
Approx. 5.3kg for 720W, 
Approx. 7.5kg for 1080W
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm3  360W: 71×124×350mm, 
720W: 142×124×350mm, 
1080W: 214×124×350mm
Cooling   Forced air cooling by internal fan.
EMC   Complies with the European EMC directive 2004/108 /EC for Class A test and measurement products.
Safety   Complies with the European Low Voltage Directive 2006 /95/EC and carries the CE-marking.
Withstand voltage   Between input and chassis: No abnormalities at 1500 Vac for 1 minute.
Between input and output: No abnormalities at 3000 Vac for 1 minute.
Between output and chassis: 
No abnormalities at 500 Vdc for 1 minute for 30V, 80V, 160V models.
No abnormalities at 1500 Vdc for 1 minute for 250V, 800V models.  
Insulation resistance   Between input and chassis: 500 Vdc, 100MΩ or more
Between input and output: 500 Vdc, 100MΩ or more
Between output and chassis:
500 Vdc, 100MΩ or more for 30V, 80V, 160V and 250V models.
1000Vdc, 100MΩ or more for 800V models.  
