

厂商 :广州爱迪斯建筑材料有限公司

地址 :广东 广州
主营产品 :fyt桥面防水涂料 高聚物改性沥青防水涂 水性聚氨酯防水涂料 SBS改性沥青防水涂 防水剂 HUT桥面防水涂料 911聚氨酯防水 耐根穿刺防水卷材
联系电话 :13822130675

产品简介:       聚合物改性沥青粘结防水涂料是一种高分子复合材料,属国家重点科技推广项目,经国家权威部门组织的专家鉴定,达到同类产品的领先水平。产品经交通部公路工程检测中心测试,全部技术指标均符合JC/T408-2005标准要求;符合JC/T975-2005(路桥用水性沥青基防水涂料),采用特种国产沥青或进口沥青为主要原料,配以各种表面活性剂及多种化学助剂、SBS热塑性橡胶为辅助原料 ,在掺加大剂量的高分子聚合物树脂进行改性,生产的一种新型复合防水涂料。  产品特性:  1、施工工艺简单,施工可用机械喷涂也可人工涂刷,干燥快、工期短。  2、该防水层造价便宜,一般只需涂刷三遍即可达到防水效果。  3、防水层与基层、防水层与上部沥青混凝土粘接牢固。   技术指标:  主要技术指标(依据JC/T975-2005《路桥用水性沥青基防水涂料》标准要求)  适用范围:  适用于高速公路桥梁、城市立交桥及桥涵等防水工程。  施工、运输和贮存:  1、施工工具准备:施工前应备好拌料桶、喷涂机械或专用鬃刷。  2、基层要求:桥面板,梁混凝土强度达到设计标号、表面不得有松散浮浆、掉皮、空鼓和严重开裂现象。表面平整度应符合桥梁规范要求,垂直排水管上口的标高应低于基层标高,排水口必须与基层安装牢固,不得有任何松动现象。  3、基层应干净、干燥、无积水。  4、基层处理:基面不得有尘土、浮灰、杂质、油渍等,做防水层前可用空压机、净水、去油剂等将表面处理干净,如有混凝土、砂浆等结硬杂物,应将其打磨掉。  5、防水层施工步骤:(以三涂为例)  1)涂刷前应将桶装涂料搅拌均匀。  2)大面积涂刷前先用小刷对漏口处做两遍涂料,对阴角部位加强涂刷防水涂料三遍,然后大面积刷第一遍涂料。  3)第一遍涂料实干后即可涂第二遍料。  4)第二遍涂料表干后涂刷第三遍涂料。  6、涂料用量:0.5-1.0kg/㎡,涂膜厚度一般0.5~0.8.mm,喷涂0.3公斤/㎡。  7、施工温度在0~35摄氏度为宜,雨天、冰冻期不宜施工。  8、包装产品用带盖铁桶包装,每桶重量为200kg、50kg  9、运输:该产品无不易燃,可按一般运输方式运输。  10、贮存:产品贮存期为6个月,应贮存在0摄氏度以上的仓库,夏季应避免阳光暴晒。 

Company main: home decoration waterproof Luqiao waterproofing waterproofing membrane plugging materials to undertake various waterproof projects.


K11 waterproof coating, JS polymer waterproof coating, silicone rubber waterproof coating, silicone rubber waterproof coating, SBS modified asphalt waterproof coating, polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating, strong exterior wall permeable waterproof adhesive, 911 non tar polyurethane waterproof coating, single component wet solidified polyurethane waterproof coating Single component waterborne polyurethane waterproof coating cement osmotic crystalline waterproof coating single component polyurethane sealant color steel structure special waterproof coating DPS permanent condensate RG polymer cement waterproof coating


FYT-1 modified bridge deck waterproof coating FYT-2 polymer bridge deck waterproof coating FYT-2 polymer bridge waterproof coating


HUT-1 reactive bridge deck waterproof coating HB-V waterproof coating HUG-13 bridge surface waterproof agent JBS environmentally friendly bridge deck waterproof coating, polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating, polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating,  Luqiao special waterproof coating, BMP-3 Luqiao waterproof coating PB road bridge with polymer modification Bituminous waterproof coating


Bitumen mastic FBT-1500 type Luqiao special waterproofing coating GS solvent adhesive HM-1500 waterproof coating for bridge deck


HY-1 waterborne polyurethane waterproof coating WPB environmentally-friendly deck waterproof coating APP polymer modified bitumen waterproof coating


FBT-1500 type Luqiao special waterproof coating SBR modified asphalt bridge waterproof coating, polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating, YN polymer asphalt bridge waterproof coating epoxy silane modified dipping liquid asphalt based bridge surface waterproof coating M1500 waterborne inorganic waterproofing agent SJT4000 waterproof paint, SJT4000 waterproofing paint Solvent rubber asphalt waterproof coating fiber reinforced bridge deck waterproof coating


QMSS-007A bridge deck waterproofing coating AE-2-5 waterborne asphalt based waterproof coating for bridge deck


High strength transparent building waterproof coating, permeable bridge deck waterproofing agent, high elastic rubber waterproof coating (liquid membrane).


Polymer strong cross membrane reactive self-adhesive waterproofing membrane strong cross membrane polymer reactive self-adhesive waterproofing membrane


Double faced reactive polymer adhesive waterproofing membrane PET polymer self-adhesive waterproofing membrane (polyester tire single side)


Epoxy resin modified epoxy resin with high permeability
