

厂商 :广州市八千里货架有限公司

地址 :广东 广州
主营产品 :名创优品货架 km货架 伶俐饰品货架 三福货架 兰诺饰品货架 ZARA服装货架 UR女装货架 童装货架
联系电话 :18998805543
加工定制: 商品类型:其他 货架量级:中量级 货架结构:其他 单双面:双面 材质:金属 适用场所:商场 层数:其他 产品类型:全新

KKV行业模式亮点,KKV研究设计,KK馆旗下KKV白云汇广场店 广州市八千里货架有限公司是快消品店货架,NOME家居货架,伶俐饰品货架,名创优品货架,OCE生活概念馆,KKV生活集合店,酷乐潮玩货架,畹町货架。实力源头厂家、量身定制、出口国外、原厂发货、一站式整店定制、一站式设计安装、工厂超值性价比、实力厂家、免费平面布局!KVV货架,FUNLINK生活集合店,WESTLINK生活集合店,THE BODY SHOP,shu uemura,NOME货架,MINISO名创,THE GREEN PARTY绿党!广州市八千里货架有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。KKV industry model highlights, KKV research and design, KKKKV Baiyun Huihui Square store Guangzhou 8,000 li shelf Co., Ltd. is a fast consumer store shelves, NOME home shelves, Smart jewelry shelves, Top products shelves, OCE life concept hall, KKV life club, Cool play shelves, The shelf. Strength source manufacturers direct sales, customized, export abroad, original factory delivery, one-stop shop customization, one-stop design and installation, factory direct sales, value- value ratio, strength manufacturers, free plane layout! KVV shelves, FUNLINK life club, WESTLINK life club, THE BODY SHOP, shu uemura, NOME shelves, MINISO name, THE GREEN PARTY greens! Guangzhou 8,000 li shelf Co., Ltd. integrity, strength and product quality has been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiations.创始人的基因往往决定了一家公司的基因。创业前产品经理的工作经历,让吴悦宁的零售创业之旅延续了他对数据和效率的重视。很大程度上,KK馆对市场的嗅觉和快速迭代与之密不可分。谈到公司的发展理念,吴悦宁提到了「探索未知、自我迭代、数据驱动、追求」这四点,「公司的理念是慢慢演变的,是做出来的,不是想出来的。」 在深入研究当时全国居民消费能力的核心指标后,KK馆团队把目光投向了大型购物中心。 2015年网易考拉、天猫国际、京东等跨境电商崛起,KK馆团队抓住进口零售的风口,在东莞莱蒙购物中心开了家400平方米的2.0版本KK馆。选品上主打进口零售,门店内还有咖啡和书吧供顾客休息。 入驻的商场当时在东莞不算特别有影响力,节假日的时候稍显空旷。然而开周,货架上的商品每天都,10多个店员光补货都忙不过来,还需要从总部调人支援。「商场的停车场因为我们的门店开业排队排了三天。」Susan说。The founder's genes often determine the genes of a company. The work experience of product manager before starting a business, let Wu Yuening's retail business trip continue his attention to data and efficiency. For the most part, KK museum's sense of smell and rapid iteration of the market are inextricably linked. Speaking of the company's development concept, Wu Yuening mentioned four points ," exploring the unknown, self-iterating, data-driven, extreme pursuit "," the company's concept is slowly evolving, is done, not come up with. 」 After in-depth study of the core indicators of the national consumer capacity at that time, the KK team focused on large shopping malls. After the rise of cross-border e-commerce such as NetEase koalas, Tmall International and JingDong in 2015, the KKteam seized the tuyere of imported retail and opened the first 400-square-meter 2.0 KK at the Lemont Shopping Center in Dongguan. Products on the main import retail, stores also coffee and book bars for customers to rest. The store was not particularly influential in Dongguan at that time, a little empty during holidays. However, in the first week of opening, the goods on the shelves were sold out every day, and more than 10 shop assistants were too busy to replenish the goods and needed support from the headquarters. "The lot in the mall has been in line for three days because of the opening of our stores. "said Susan.
