

厂商 :广东天宇化工有限公司

地址 :广东 佛山
主营产品 :麦可门蜡乳液 霍尼韦尔蜡粉 道康宁助剂及树脂 胜达祥伟颜料 氰特树脂及催化剂 杜邦/美礼联钛白粉 上虞舜联颜料 三菱助剂
联系电话 :13360318993
硅油粘度:|50CS| |100CS| |350CS| |500CS| |1000CS| |12500CS| |60000CS| |500000CS| 
350CST,100%活性,聚二甲基硅氧烷聚合物 。
  • 25摄氏度的密度 = 0.97
  • 保质期 = 1080 天
  • 表面张力 = 21.1 mN/M
  • 动粘滞度 = 350 厘沱
  • 工作温度-低 = -40 摄氏度
  • 工作温度-高 = 200 摄氏度
  • 关杯闪点 > 100 摄氏度
  • 开杯闪点 > 326 摄氏度
  • 流动点 / 浇铸点 = -50 摄氏度
  • 疏水性
  • 水分散性
  • 折射率 = 1.403
  • 特性
    21 CFR Section 175.105: "Adhesives".
    21 CFR Section 175.300: "Resinous and polymeric coatings".
    21 CFR Section 175.380: "Xylene-formaldehyde resins condensed with 4,4-isopropylidendiphenol-epichlorohydrin epoxy resins".
    21 CFR Section 175.390: "Zinc-silicon dioxide matrix coatings".
    21 CFR Section 176.170: "Components of paper and paperboard in contact with aqueous and fatty foods".
    21 CFR Section 176.180: "Components of paper and paperboard in contact with dry foods".
    21 CFR Section 176.200: "Defoaming agents used in Coatings".
    21 CFR Section 176.210: "Defoaming agents used in the manufacture of paper and paperboard".
    21 CFR Section 177.1200: "Cellophane".
    21 CFR Section 177.1210: "Closures with sealing gaskets for food containers".
    21 CFR Section 177.1350: "Ethylene-vinylacetate copolymers".
    21 CFR Section 177.1520: "Olefin polymers".
    21 CFR Section 177.2600: "Rubber articles intended for repeated use".
    21 CFR Section 177.2800: "Textiles and textile fibers".
    21 CFR Section 178.3120: "Animal glue".
    21 CFR Section 178.3570: "Lubricants with incidental food contact".
    21 CFR Section 178.3910: "Surface lubricants used in the manufacture of metallic articles".
    21 CFR Section 181.28: "Prior Sanctioned Food Ingredient in the manufacture of packaging materials - Release agent".
    21 CFR Section 177.2260: "Filters, resin-bonded".
    This product shall meet the requirements of the E.P.A. regulation "Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR" concerning "Tolerances and Exemption from Tolerances for Pesticide Chemicals in or on Raw Agricultural Commodities" under Section 180.960: "Polymers; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance."
    The migration should be measured on finished articles placed into contact with food or appropriate food simulants for a period of time and at temperatures which are chosen by reference to the contact conditions in the intended use, according to the rules of EU Directives 85/572/EC and 93/8/EC, and their later amendments. It is the responsibility of both the manufacturer of finished food contact articles as well as the industrial food packager to make sure that these articles in their intended use are in compliance with applicable migration requirements.
    - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XV on Silicone for food contact (BfR-Empfehlungen XV zu Silicone).
    - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XXXVI on paper and board for food contact (BfR-Empfehlungen XXXVI zu Papiere, Kartons und Pappen für den Lebensmittelkontakt). This Recommendation is valid for paper or paperboard which is intended to be used at temperatures up to 90 °C (holding and reheating of food).
    The Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 of 14 January 2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
    - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XXXVI/2 on Paper and Paperboard for Baking Purposes (BfR-Empfehlungen XXXVI/2 zu Papiere, Kartons und Pappen für Backzwecke).
    When used as additive for the manufacture of preparations from printing inks and varnishes intended for printing on the non-food contact surface of materials and articles, this product should meet requirements defined in following regulation: - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to Swiss Ordinance of the FDHA on Materials and Articles (RS 817.023.21) of 23 November 2005, Section 8b on Packaging Inks. All substances present in this product are listed on Annex 6 Part A.