

厂商 :新欲品机电有限公司

地址 :江苏 无锡
主营产品 :江阴数显光栅尺 无锡数显 电子尺 投影仪 影像仪 常州光栅尺 磁栅尺 宜兴数显 磁栅尺 刀具预调仪 三坐标 光栅尺磁栅尺球栅尺 三坐标测量机
联系电话 :13057210331


API XD        

1.      Flexible API XD Series

配置灵活的API XD系列激光干涉仪

API’s XD Laser Measurement System is the patent developed for rapid machine tool error assessment. The new XD series includes XD-1D (Standard version and Precision Version), XD-3D, XD-5D and XD-6D (Standard version and Precision version). The laser system is expandable enabling it to upgrade with the needs of the customer. Therefore, the customer’s investment always holds it value.

API公司的 XD系列激光干涉仪用于快速测评估机床误差的仪器。新型XD系列的产品包括XD-1D (标准型和精密型)XD-3D型,XD-5D型和XD-6D (标准型和精密型)XD系列干涉仪能够根据用户的需求进行系统配置和升级,以使客户的投资始终符合自己的需要。

XD-1D is able to measure linear error for a CNC linear axis, including positioning accuracyrepeatability and backlash. In addition, velocity and acceleration can be measured for a CNC linear axis.

XD-1D可测量数控直线轴的线性定位误差, 包括定位精度、重复定位精度和反向间隙。另外, 也可测量数控直线轴的移动速度和加速度。


XD-3D covers all functions of XD-1D, and measuring straightness in both axes for a CNC linear axis. With optional Squareness Measurement Kit, the squareness between two CNC linear axes can be also measured by XD-3D.

XD-3D包含有XD-1D的全部功能,同时还能测量数控直线轴的定位直线度误差(XX方向和YY方向)。选购垂直度测量工具包后, XD-3D还能测量两数控直线轴之间的垂直度。


XD-5D covers all functions of XD-3D, and measuring yaw and pitch for a CNC linear axis. With relative option, CNC rotary table in horizontal or verticaleven CNC rotary axis (A or B) under certain conditions can be also measured by XD-5D.



XD-6D covers all functions of XD-5D, and it is the unique laser measurement system, which automatically measures linearityorthogonal straightness in both axesyawpitchroll around the measured CNC axis (vertical CNC axis excluded), with the same set-up.

XD-6D包含有XD-5D的全部功能,能够一次同时测量数控直线轴的线性定位误差(包括定位精度、重复定位精度、反向间隙)、直线度(XX方向和YY方向)以及垂直度、偏摆角、俯仰角,同时自动测量被测轴(不包括垂直数控轴) 的滚动角。


无锡数显 电子尺
投影仪 影像仪
常州光栅尺 磁栅尺
宜兴数显 磁栅尺
刀具预调仪 三坐标