

厂商 :上海凯贤印刷科技有限公司(销售部)

地址 :上海市 上海市
主营产品 :陶瓷油墨 金属油墨 玻璃油墨 塑料油墨 丝印网版 PP油墨
联系电话 :18702125009
1、本产品采用高级进口丙烯酸树脂和高级颜料经过细制研磨加工组合而成,适用范围:各种金属、玻璃、陶瓷、石材、电镀(含水电镀)、阳极氧化铝表面、静电喷漆面及烤漆面等制品的丝印及移印,不需加固化剂,不需烘烤,即可获得优异的附着力。 2、产品特性:平光、附着力佳、流平性佳、硬度强、耐酒精、耐冲压、抗刮伤、耐化学品。 3、稀释剂:建议采用本公司配套专用稀释剂开油。 4、固化剂:本产品无需加固化剂,切勿加不配套的固化剂,会影响其效果 5、油墨调配方法:搅拌时先加稀释剂10%左右稀释到印刷适合粘度。 6、干燥时间:表干时间自然挥发5-10分钟,实干时间在24小时以内,48小时后达最佳性能,烤箱80℃烘烤30分钟性能更优。 7、使用期限:半年,过期请弃用,加了其他助剂剩余油墨不可回收。 【油墨使用注意事项】 1、试印确认符合要求后再批量生产。 2、做好被印物的表面清除油脂及杂质工作,以促进附着效果。 3、附着力、硬度、耐酸性、耐酒精性、耐化学品性、抗划伤性、耐磨性等性能的检测,需要完全固化后方可检测。 4、未经允许情况下,不得将本系列油墨与其它类型油墨混用及配色。 5、丝网印刷加适量拉丝膏用本公司特慢干稀释剂更适宜印刷工艺顺畅。 6、注意作业车间的湿度,湿度过大会影响附着力,温度高容易堵网。 【油墨性能检测结果】 1、3M胶纸粘在画有百格的油墨表面45度角迅速拉起不脱油。 2、纯度99%的酒精500G力在油墨表面来回擦拭100次无脱色。 【油墨使用安全规则】 1、油墨,稀释剂使用及储存时严禁烟火 2、使用时注意施工场所的通风状况良好。 3、尽量避免皮肤直接接触。 4、本品不慎溅入口、鼻、眼、耳内,应用大量水清洗或直接求助医生。 5、对本品过敏者,使用前应涂覆一层皮肤扶肤膏或戴不渗透手套。 6、注意作业车间的湿度,湿度过大会影响附着力,温度高容易堵网。 In 1, the product is made of high quality imported acrylic resin and pigment through fine grinding senior system combination, applicable scope : a variety of metal, glass, ceramic, stone, electroplating ( aqueous electroplating ), anodic alumina surface, electrostatic spray painting surface and the paint surface and other products and silk screen printing, without curing agent, do not need baking, can obtain excellent adhesion. 2, product characteristics: flat, adhesive force is good, good leveling, hardness, resistance to alcohol, punching resistance, scratch resistance, chemical resistance. 3, thinner: recommend the company matching special thinner open oil. 4, curing agent: This product without adding curing agent, do not add not matching curing agent, will affect the results of 5, ink deployment method: mixing before adding diluent 10% dilution to printing for viscosity. In 6, the drying time: surface dry time natural volatile 5-10 minutes, drying time is in 24 hours, 48 hours to reach the best performance, 80℃oven and bake for 30 minutes with more excellent performance. 7, use the term: half expired please, abandoned, and other additives the remaining ink unrecyclable. [ note ] 1, the use of ink printing test confirmation after the mass production. 2, do a good job by print surface to remove grease and impurity, to promote the attachment effect. 3, adhesion, hardness, acid resistance, alcohol resistance, chemical resistance, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and other properties of detection, fully cured before detection. 4, without permission, may not use the series of ink and other types of ink mixing and matching. In 5, screen printing with appropriate drawing paste the company special thinner slow dry more suitable printing process. 6, pay attention to operation workshop humidity, humidity crosses congress to affect adhesion, high temperature easy plugging. [ results ] 1 ink performance test, 3M gummed paper in the paintings of the ink surface angle of 45 degrees to quickly pulled off the oil. 2, 99% pure alcohol 500G force on the surface of the printing ink rub 100 times without decolorization. [ ] the 1 ink used safety rules, ink, diluent, use and storage of fireworks prohibited 2, use pay attention to the construction of places of ventilation in good condition. 3, try to avoid direct contact with the skin. In 4, this product is inadvertently splashed entrance, nose, eyes, ears, use a large number of water washing or direct help doctor. 5, allergy to the chemicals, before use should be coated with a layer of skin to help skin cream or wearing impermeable gloves. 6, pay attention to operation workshop humidity, humidity crosses congress to affect adhesion, high temperature easy plugging