

厂商 :宣化晋城运城有限公司

地址 :宁夏 吴忠
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7.4.12 本条参照《蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规


7.4.7 本条规定对容易产生延迟裂纹的焊接接头,焊接后应立即加热至300~350,保温缓冷,然后及时进行热处理。焊后加热处理可降低焊接接头的冷却速度,以利于减少淬硬组织,并降低扩散氢含量,同时也给准备正式热处理提供了较充裕的时间。

Parallelism depth

Piping Prefabrication

8.1.4 本条规定用气体代替液体作压力试验时应做到的基本要求,另外,这里所指的施工单位技术总负责人是具有法人资格的施工单位的技术总负责人。

5.3.7 试验奥氏体不锈钢阀门时,水中的氯离子含量不得超过100 mg/L,而本规范8.1.7条规定,奥氏体不锈钢管道系统作液体压力试验时,水中的氯离子含量不得超过25 mg/L。因为管道系统试压后,可能有死角,不能将水排净、吹干,而阀门试压后,完全可以将水排净,阀体可以擦干。

Test for piping system

8.1.6 管道系统的试验压力,应按设计文件规定执行。如果设计未作规定,则按本条规定的公式进行计算。同时也可用本计算公式来校验设计文件规定的试验压力。

Machine rotation speed

7.1.2 本条根据JB322383《焊条质量管理规程》第4.3条:“存放一年以上的焊条,在发放前应请质量检验部门,重新做各种性能试验,符合要求时方可发放,否则不应出库。”的规定而制定的。鉴于各施工单位都改善了焊条的保管条件,并能严格进行焊条的管理,所以本条规定仅做焊条焊接工艺性能试验。

8 管道系统试验

  管道的焊缝系数:双面焊接,100%无损检测, =1.00,局部无损检测,=0.85;单面焊接,100%无损检测,=0.9,局部无损检测,=0.80


  本次修订虽扩大了规范的适用范围,但仍不适用于无毒、非可燃介质管道的施工及验收。修订后的管道分级与SH 30592001保持一致,取消了原规范中将SHB级管道分为SHB ISHB II两级的规定,SHB级管道仅保留原SHB I级管道,将中度、轻度危害介质管道与原SHB II级管道合并作为SHC级管道,低温管道单列为SHD级管道。此外,根据石化行业的特点,本规范将毒性程度为极度危害介质的苯管道作为SHB级管道处理,将毒性程度为高度危害介质的丙烯腈、光气、二硫化碳和氟化氢管道作为SHA级管道处理。

Test for piping system

  During electrode weld process performance test, inspection shall be performed for that there shall not be any rustiness on core welding-wire and any defect of the coating affecting the electrode quality. After that, the welding test with electrode can be performed and those electrodes with stable electric arc, no abnormality and good weld shape during the welding test and without any gas pore, crack or other defects after the welding are applicable.

Inspection of Other Piping Constituent Elements

5.3 阀门检验

7.2 焊前准备与接头组对

5.4.6 本条规定设计压力等于或大于10 MPa管道用的合金钢螺栓、螺母应采用快速光谱分析逐件进行材质确认,同时每批应抽两件进行硬度检验是根据石油化工企业生产长周期连续运行的特点而制定的。螺栓、螺母的标准硬度值,可参见下表。


Piping Welding

General Specification

Welding Preparation and Joint Alignment

Sweeping for piping system

Piping Prefabrication and Installation


The final connection status shall be checked for the flange connection of pipe to machine before commissioning through installing instrument to the coupling. For any inconformity, rectification shall be performed till the conformity status is achieved prior to the commissioning.

5.1.3         This clause defines that the characteristic data, and inspection and test results in quality identification document mainly indicate the detection and test results of chemical composition analysis, tensile test, flattening test, flaring test, supersonic detection, eddy current test and etc. When dispute exists, necessary analysing inspection shall be performed, which mainly indicates the analysing test for mechanical performance and chemical composition. “Dispute” mainly indicates the inconformity of characteristic data and with the standard or incomplete characteristic data and etc.

7 管道焊接



6.1.7         This Clause defines the heat treatment conditions for steel pipe after hot and cold bending. Table 3 lists the common hot bending temperatures and heat treatment requirements. For the steel grades unlisted in the table, the disposal shall comply with the specification of this clause. The specification in the table that the 10, 20 and 16Mn hot bent pipe with the final bending temperature less than 900 oC and the wall thickness equal to or more than19mmshall be tempered in the condition of 600 oC ~650 oC, and the heat treatment condition for 10 and 20 steel in the Table are set down according to the requirement of ASME B31.3 and GB 50235-97.


8.2.8 如果施工单位没有合适的压缩机及相应的储罐,宜利用生产装置的大型压缩机和储气罐。若是改、扩建工程,可以利用原装置已经投产运行的压缩机,若是新建工程,吹扫作业宜和压缩机负荷试车一并或之后进行。

5.4.7         This Clause specifies that the boundary line for low temperature steel piping is –29oC. The present specification is consistent with GB 50235.

6.1.11 The internal cleanness of the piping is the essential aspect affecting the construction quality, the critical requisition for the successful commissioning and service at the first time. Clause 6.2.1 of this specification also specifies the internal cleanness of piping. Deepgoing lesson have been learned from the serous impact to commissioning and production quality due to uncleanness inside piping in the past years. Thus the inside of qualified prefabricated pipes shall be kept clean and the end openings shall be timely closed.

7.3.7         When welding is conducted to the root pass of welding joint of austenitic stainless steel piping with argon arc, argon gas or nitrogen gas shall be filled to the piping for protection. Protection by argon gas is the consistent requirement of the current welding specification, while protection by nitrogen gas is a new technology adopted by this specification, which has passed the technical appraisement by professionals arranged by the group company in Lanzhou in July 1997. The main technical parameters are as follows: the purity of nitrogen gas shall be more than 99.5%; the water content shall be less than 50mg/L; the concentration of nitrogen gas in piping shall be more than 99.9%; generally speaking, the flow of gas charging shall not be excessively large, and it is better to keep the gas at a flow state.

7.5.8 超声波检测是检验焊缝内部质量的有效方法,灵敏度高、对人体无害,但对检验人员技术和检测表面的要求高,但由于不像射线透照那样可以留下底片备查,所以其可追溯性差。因此用超声波检测代替射线检测时,检测前应征得设计单位同意。

7.5.4         The quality grade of radial transillumination shall not be lower than Grade AB, which is determined in consideration of the importance of the piping applicable to this Specification as well as the grade classification in JB 4730 for Grade A, Grade AB and Grade B.


7.1.3In accordance with the specification of GB/J 13304-91 “Classification of Steel” This clause expresses






联系人:田雨 (业务经理)






