

厂商 :灵石岢岚即墨有限公司

地址 :西藏 林芝
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support and hanger shall be checked and approved. 6.2.26 “II”形抵偿器设备,应按规划文件规则进行预拉伸或预紧缩,答应误差为预弹性量的10%,且不大于10mm 6.2.26 Before installation of type compensator, prestretching or precompression of compensator shall be carried out according to the design document. Allowable deviation is 10% of pre- stretch magnitude and not longer than 10mm.   “II”形抵偿器水平设备时,平行臂应与管道斜度一样,笔直臂应呈水平状况。   If type compensator is installed in horizontal direction, grade of parallel arm shall be the same with that of pipeline. Vertical arm shall be in horizontali

ty. 6.2.27 波形抵偿器设备应按下列需求进行: 6.2.27 Requirements for installation of waveform compensator: a 按规划文件规则进行预拉伸或预紧缩,受力应均匀; Prestretching or precompression of compensator shall be carried out according to the design document. Stress shall be uniform. b 波形抵偿器内套有焊缝的一端,在水平管道上应坐落介质流入端,在笔直管道上应置于上部; Waveform compensators one end having weld joint shall be at inflow end of parallel pipeline and upper part of vertical pipeline. c 波形抵偿器应与管道坚持同轴,不得偏斜; Waveform compensator and pipeline shall be dead in line without skewness. d 波形抵偿器预拉伸或预紧缩合格后,应设暂时束缚设备将其固定,待管道负荷运行前,再撤除暂时束缚设备。 After appropriate prestretching or precompression of waveform compensator, temporary restraint device shall be set to fix the compensator. The device will be removed before loading operation of pipeline. 6.2.28 管道抵偿器设备调试合格后,应做好设备记载。 6.2.28  After installation, commissioning and inspection of compensator, installation record shall be made. 7 管道焊接 Welding of pipeline 7.1 一般规则 General specifications 7.1.1 施焊前,应根据焊接技术鉴定报告编制焊接作业指导书。焊工应按指定的焊接作业指导书施焊。 7.1.1  Welding operation instruction shall be compiled according to welding procedure qualification report before welding. The welder shall operate according to the instruction. 7.1.2 焊接资料应具有产品质量证明文件,且什物与证书上的批号相符。外观查看时,焊条的药皮不得有受潮、掉落或显着裂纹。焊丝在运用前应铲除其外表的油污、锈蚀等。   焊条应按说明书或焊接作业指导书的需求进行烘烤,并在运用进程中坚持干燥。   出厂期超越一年的焊条,应进行焊条焊接技术功能试验,合格后方可运用。 7.1.2  Welding materials shall have certificate of qualification. Lot number on material package shall conform to the certificate. Coating of electrode cant be affected with damp, fall off or have clear crack. Oil stain and rust stain on welding wire shall be removed. Electrode shall be baked according to the product instruction or welding 






联系人:田雨 (业务经理)






