

厂商 :灵石岢岚即墨有限公司

地址 :西藏 林芝
主营产品 :
联系电话 :14120140708

应在单线图上标明焊缝编号、焊工代号、焊接方位、无损检测办法、返修焊缝方位、扩探焊缝方位等可追溯性标识。   进行焊接接头热处置的管道,还应在单线图上标明热处置及硬度实验的焊缝编号。 7.5.15 For piping under nondestructive examination, some traceable markings shall be made on the line diagram, such as S/N of weld seam, code of welder, position of welding, method for nondestructive examination, position of weld seam for rework, position of weld seam for expanded detection, etc.. For piping whose welding joints are under heat treatment, the S/N of weld seam for heat treatment and hardness test shall also be indicate

d. 8 管道体系实验 Test for piping system 8.1 管道体系压力实验 Pressure test for piping system 8.1.1 管道体系压力实验,应按规划文件需求,在管道设备结束、热处置和无损检测合格后进行。 8.1.1  Pursuant to the design document, the pressure test for piping system shall be conducted after the completion of piping erection and heat treatment as well as passing the nondestructive examination. 8.1.2 管道体系试压前,应由建造/监理单位、施工单位和有关部门对下列资料进行审查承认:   a 管道构成件、焊材的制造厂质量证明文件;   b 管道构成件、焊材的校验性查看或实验记载;   c SHA级管道弯管加工记载、管端的螺纹和密封面加工记载;   d 管道体系荫蔽工程记载;   e 契合本标准7.5.15条需求的单线图;   f 无损检测陈述;   g 焊接接头热处置记载及硬度实验陈述;   h 静电接地测验记载;   i 规划变更及资料代用文件。 8.1.2  All the following data shall be reviewed and confirmed by the employer/supervision unit, construction unit and other relevant departments prior to pressure test: a Quality certification released by the manufacturers of constituent elements and welding materials for piping; b Records of standard check or test for constituent elements and welding materials for piping; c The processing records of elbow of SHA piping, screw thread at the piping ends and the sealing surface; d Records of concealed work of piping system; e Line diagram conforming to Clause 7.5.15 of this Specification; f Report of nondestructive examination; g Records of heat treatment of welding joints and report of hardness test; h Records of static earthing test; i Design alteration and material substitution document; 8.1.3 管道体系试压前,应由施工单位、建造/监理单位和有关部门联合查看承认下列条件:   a 管道体系悉数按规划文件设备结束;   b 管道支、吊架的型式、原料、设备方位正确,数量完全,紧固程度、焊接质量合格;   c 焊接及热处置作业已悉数完成;   d 合金钢管道的原料标识显着明白;   e 焊缝及其他需进行查看的部位不该荫蔽;   f 试压用的暂时加固办法契合需求,暂时盲板加置正确,象征显着,记载完好;   g 试压用的检测外表的量程、精度等级、检守时契合需求;   h 有经同意的试压计划,并经技能交






联系人:田雨 (业务经理)






