

厂商 :灵石岢岚即墨有限公司

地址 :西藏 林芝
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times of the design pressure. 8.1.6 管道压力实验时,实验温度、应力值应契合下列规则: 8.1.6 During the process of pressure test for piping, values of the test temperature and stress shall conform to the following:   a 当规划温度高于实验温度时,管道的实验压力应按公式1核算: a When the design temperature is higher than the test temperature, the test pressure of the piping shall be calculated by Formula 1: [б]1 Pt=KP0 ······································1 [б]2   式中:    K-系数,液体压力实验取1.5,气体压力实验取1.15;    Pt-实验压力,MPa;    P0-规划压力,MPa [

б]1-实验温度下资料的许用应力,MPa [б]2-规划温度下资料的许用应力,MPa。  Here:  K-coefficient, which is 1.5 for hydraulic pressure test and 1.15 for air pressure test;  P1-test pressure, Mpa;  P0-design pressure, Mpa;  1-allowable stress of the material in test temperature, Mpa;  2- allowable stress of the material in design temperature, Mpa;   b 液体压力实验时的应力值,不得超越实验温度下资料屈服点的90%;   b The value of stress under hydraulic pressure test shall not exceed 90% of the yield point of the material in test temperature;   c 气体压力实验时的应力值,不得超越实验温度下资料屈服点的80% c The value of stress under air pressure test shall not exceed 80% of the yield point of the material in test temperature; 8.1.7 液体压力实验使用洁清水进行,当出产技能有需求时,可用其他液体。奥氏体不锈钢管道用水实验时,水中的氯离子含量不得超越25 mg/L 8.1.7 Clean water shall be used for hydraulic pressure test; other liquid may be used otherwise required by the production process. When water is adopted for hydraulic pressure test for austenitic stainless steel piping, the content of chloride ion in the water shall not be more than 25 mg/L. 8.1.8 液体压力实验时液体的温度,当规划文件未规则时,应契合下列需求:   a 非合金钢和低合金钢的管道体系,液体温度不得低于5℃;   b 合金钢的管道体系,液体温度不得低于15℃,且应高于相应金属资料的脆性改变温度。 8.1.8    The liquid temperature for hydraulic pressure test shall conform to the following if it is not specified in design document: a For piping system made of non-alloy steel or low alloy steel, the liquid temperature shall not be lower than 5; b For piping system made of alloy steel, the liquid temperature shall not be lower than 15 and shall be higher than the brittle transition temperature of the relevant metal material. 8.1.9 因实验压力不一样或其他缘由不能参加管道体系试压的设备、外表、安全阀、爆破片等应加置盲板阻隔,并有显着象征。 8.1.9    Any equipment, instrument, relief valve or blasting plate that cannot be brought into pressure test for piping system due to different test pressure or other reasons shall be indica






联系人:田雨 (业务经理)






