

厂商 :二〇〇四〇八〇五有限公司

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pad. 毒性程度为极度危害介质的苯、毒性程度为高度危害介质丙烯腈、光气、二硫化碳和氟化氢除外和甲A类液化烃 7.4.6 管道焊接接头的热处置,应在焊后及时进行。常用钢材焊接接头的热处置温度,宜按表9的规则判定。 表8 管道构成件焊前预热需要 7.2.9 If arc welding method is adopted for welding of stainless steel pipe, chalk powder or other antisticking agent shall be painted on surface in range of 100mm from two sides of grooves before assembly of weld joints. mm 6.2.27 波形抵偿器设备应按下列需要进行: 16Mn 7.3.9 After welding, slag and splash nearby shal

l be cleaned off. ≥19 7.3.5 Tools and fixtures used for assembly of weld joints on pipeline by cool drawing or compression shall be removed after welding and heat treatment of weld joints. 7.2.8 Before assembly of weld joints, machining mode and dimension of grooves shall be checked. There shall be no crack or interlayer on the surface. b 方案温度低于-29℃的非奥氏体不锈钢管道坡口抽检5%。 6.2.10 与机器联接的管道及其支、吊架设备结束后,应卸下接管上的法兰螺栓,在自由状态下一切螺栓应能在螺栓孔中顺利通过。法兰密封面间的平行误差、径向误差及距离,当方案或制造厂未规守时,不应逾越表6的规则值。 ≥15 150~200 7.2.12 If assembled fixture will be welded onto alloy steel pipeline, material of fixture shall be the same with that of pipeline. Otherwise, use the electrode to weld an intermediate layer on fixture. mm 2.25Ni, 3.5Ni 7.4.2 When ambient temperature is lower than 0℃, except austenitic stainless steel pipe, the surface from welding point to 100mm away of steel without preheating requirement shall be preheated to over 15℃. 7.3.8 After welding, pickling and passivating treatment of weld joints of austenitic stainless steel pipe shall be carried out. 7.3.8 奥氏体不锈钢焊接接头焊后应按方案文件规则进行酸洗与钝化处置。 7.1.4 If following situations happen in construction site for welding of pipeline and no protective measure are taken, welding operation shall be stopped: 600~650 7.2.10 Cold drawing or cold compression shall be carried out according to the design document. Can’t assemble weld joints with force. 150~200 Waveform compensator and pipeline shall be dead in line without skewness. 7.1.4 管道的施焊环境若出现下列情况之一,而未采用防护方法时,应间断焊接工作: 7.2.10 施工进程中,除方案文件需要进行冷拉伸或冷紧缩外,不得用强力方法组对焊接接头。 7.2.5 壁厚不相同的管道构成件组对,当壁厚差大于下列数值时,应按图2、图3的需要加工。 Wall thickness 壁厚 7.1.2 Welding materials shall have certificate of qualification. Lot number on material package shall conform to the certificate. Coating of electrode can’t be affected with damp, fall off or have clear crack. Oil stain and rust stain on welding wire shall be removed. c Distance between centers of two neighboring seams shall be controlled within the following range: 7.5.8 无损检测时,当方案文件规则选用超声波检测,应按方案文件规则履行;当方案文件规则选用射线检测但由于条件束缚需改用超声波检测代替时,应征得方案单位附和。 7.2.9 不锈钢管选用电弧焊时,焊接接头组对前应在坡口两端各100mm方案内涂白垩粉或其他防粘污剂。 7.4.9 热处置的加热速度、恒温时间及冷却速度,应符合下列需要: a For SHA level pipe: inner wall: 0.5mm, or exterior wall: 2mm; 7.3.1 Can’t generate the arc or test current on surface of weldment. There shall be no abrasive arc on surface of weldment on pipeline with design temperature lower than -29℃, stainless steel pipeline or alloy steel pipeline with trend of harden quenching. 7.3.7 奥氏体不锈钢管道焊接,应按下列需要: a SHA级管道为壁厚的10%,且不大于0.5mm; Preheating temperature 7.2.8 焊接接头组对前,应供认坡口加工方式、标准,其表面不得有裂纹、夹层等缺陷。 b SHB、SHC及SHD级管道的内壁差1.0mm或外壁差2mm。 图3 不相同壁厚管子和管件加工需要 7.1.5 Cerium tungsten rod may be used for argon tungsten-arc welding. Purity of argon shall be over 99.95%. ≤1.0 6.1.12 If pipes are connected with screwed flange, processing and inspection of thread and sealing face shall meet the design document. 表9 常用钢材焊接接头热处置 Table 8 Requirements for Preheating of Elements of Pipeline Before Welding 7.4.1 Preheating of elements of pipeline before welding shall be carried out according to table 8. If welding is interrupted, the elements shall be repreheated before welding. b 在确保焊透及熔合出色的条件下,应选用小的焊接技术参数、选用短电弧和多层多道焊接技术,层间温度应按焊接工作指导书予以控制; 7.2.1 管道焊缝的设置,应便于焊接、热处置及查验,并应符合下列需要: 7.3.9 焊接结束后,应及时将焊缝表面的熔渣及邻近的飞溅物整理洁净。 b SHB、SHC及SHD级管道为壁厚的10%,且不大于1mm。 6.2.15 Material or part for static earthing can’t be painted with oil before installation. Current conducting interface must be derusted and stably connected. 6.2.20 Steady rest and limit support shall be installed strictly according to design document. Steady rest shall be fixed before prestretching or precompression of compensating device. 钢种或钢号 7.3.7 Requirements for welding of austenitic stainless steel: 恣意Random 7.3.6 公称直径等于或大于500 mm的管道,宜选用单面焊接双面成形的焊接技术或在焊缝内侧根部进行封底焊;公称直径小于500 mm的SHA和SHD级管道的焊缝底层应选用氩弧焊。 7.5.1 Surface of weld joints shall be treated according to the requirement before inspection of weld joints. 7.2.3 Groove of pipeline shall be processed with following method: 7.1.6 Oxyacetylene flame can’ be used for welding of pipeline. 7.2.6 焊接接头的坡口的浸透检测应按下列规则进行: 7.2.12 在合金钢钢管上焊接组对卡具时,卡具的原料应与管材相同,否则运用焊接该钢管的焊条在卡具上堆焊过渡层。 7.1.5 钨极氩弧焊宜用铈钨棒。运用氩气的纯度应在99.95%以上。 b For SHB, SHC and SHD pipes: inner wall: 1.0mm, or exterior wall: 2mm. b 相对湿度大于90%; 6.2.17 After the pipeline is properly provided with static earthing, static earthing test record shall be made. d other alloy steel welding, not lower than 0℃. 7.3.1 不得在焊件表面引弧或试验电流。方案温度低于-29℃的管道、不锈钢及淬硬倾向较大的合金钢管道,焊件表面不得有电弧擦伤等缺陷。 7.4.10 异种钢焊接接头的焊后热处置,应按SH 3526的规则进行。 且不小于10mm; 1 直管段两环缝距离不小于100mm,且不小于管子外径; 注1:有应力腐蚀的管道焊接接头,应按方案文件需要进行焊后消除应力的热处置。 恣意 a Except sizing elbow without straight pipe, distance between center of welded pipe and origin of elbow can’t be less than exterior diameter of pipe and 10mm. 7.5.1 查验焊接接头前,应按查验方法的需要,对焊接接头的表面进行相应处置。 b 焊缝与支,吊架边际的净距离不应小于50mm。需要热处置的焊缝距支、吊架边际的净距离应大于焊缝宽度的5倍,且不小于100mm; 6.2.18 During installation of pipeline, fixing and adjustment of support and hanger shall be carried out at the same time. Support and hanger shall be properly installed and fixed. Bearing surface shall properly contact with the pipeline. 2 Except calibration pipe, distance between any two seams can’t be less than 50mm. 6.2.21 导向支架或滑动支架的滑动面应洁净平坦、不得有倾斜和卡涩表象,且隔热层不得阻碍其位移。 7.2.2 Type of groove, dimension and assembly requirement of weld joints shall be confirmed according to Appendix B if there is no requirement in design document. 7.3.2 For inconel welds of pipeline with high requirement for cleanness of its inner, inlet pipeline for machine and other pipelines specified in the design document, root weld bead shall be welded with argon arc. ≥6 7.3.3 在焊接中应确保起弧与收弧的质量。收弧时应将弧坑填满,多层焊的层间接头应彼此错开。 b For SHB, SHC and SHD pipes, mechanical treatment method may be adopted. If oxyacetylene flame or plasma is adopted, surface coat that can impact welding quality shall be removed after cutting. 7.2.13 焊接在管道上的组对卡具不得用击打或掰扭的方法撤除。 ≤0.7 Working temperature b For SHB, SHC and SHD pipes, 10% of wall thickness and not larger than 1mm. 7.2.2 焊接接头的坡口方式、标准及组对需要,若方案文件未规守时,宜按附录B判定。 1 The distance between two circumferential seams of straight pipe can’t be less than 100mm and exterior diameter of pipeline. 7.2.11 Tack weld shall be the same with welding process of formal welding. Length of seam may be 10mm~15mm and thickness may be 2mm~4mm and not larger than 2/3 of wall thickness. There shall be no crack and other defects on the seam. d Protective measures shall be taken during fastening of bolt. General specifications 一次热紧、冷紧温度Temperature for primary thermal state fastening, cold state fastening b Relative humidity is >90%; d 波形抵偿器预拉伸或预紧缩合格后,应设暂时捆绑设备将其固定,待管道负荷运行前,再撤除暂时捆绑设备。 c Austenitic stainless steel welding, not lower than -5℃; 焊条应按说明书或焊接工作指导书的需要进行烘烤,并在运用进程






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